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From: DWG []
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 2:45 AM
Subject: Functioning in the Face of Fear
Functioning in the Face of Fear

By Richard Neihart

Sometimes my career seems as much a vacation as a vocation.  I mean what could be nicer than an all expense paid trip to Las Vegas as the keynote speaker at – not one – but two conferences?  Do I have a great job or what?  Well, that’s how my September was shaping up until…two weeks before the trip…a morning changed our lives forever.

Along with a shocked and shattered world, I slumped before my television – repulsed by and yet riveted to surreal depictions of chaos and carnage.  After several days of watching with disbelief and dismay, as if coming out of a stupor, I realized I’d better see if I still had a job…if the events in Las Vegas were even going on.

First call.  As I half expected, they’d canceled the conference.  Their message was, “We simply cannot subject our people to the dangers of air travel.”  Nice going Osama.  Your hideous hatchet job on our hearts seems to have succeeded.

Well…maybe not.

I called the second company – DWG International.  After a brief chat with Drew, I asked the big question…is the conference still on?  To which the intrepid Mr. Earl replied, “Absolutely.”  I explained why I had to ask and he responded, “Yes I know.  The hotel told that in the days after the attack they had 15 cancellations.”

Drew explained his personal strategy for handling the horror, “Richard, I have a portable TV.  It’s batteries run for 7 hours.  I watched until the batteries ran out then said, ‘Enough.’  Time to go back to work.”  The strength in his voice was reassuring.

Now, one might interpret DWG leaders Jim Adams’ and Drew Earl’s matter-of-fact resolve as a little too tough.  All I can say is that had you attended their opening session…had you joined hands and sang Proud To Be An American, had you wept and witnessed the unabashed patriotism I experienced…well…you’d know this company’s true depth of humanity.

You might also assume the Dri Wash ‘n Guard crew felt no fear – and you’d be wrong again.  Many drove hundreds of miles rather than get on an airplane.  Bottom line is they got there.

DWG understands a timeless truth: Courage is not an absence of fear.  Courage is functioning in the face of fear.

Face it.  Since September 11th, our world is a different place.  No one can say,  but it may be a long time before we can casually fly off to a convention or enter a crowded conference center without wondering.."what if?"

But the fact is, most of us must fly.  We must attend our conferences.  We simply must continue our lives – functioning – even in the face of fear.  As a counselor I am compelled to point out that if you have a true chronic anxiety disorder please seek professional help.  But if you’re like most folks and are just feeling on edge these days, let me share a few insights.  They could prove helpful in rising to meet this challenge.

1. Understand Fear.  Rational fear is an important and constructive emotion.  It was put into our personalities to protect us from danger, strengthen our resolve and enhance our achievement.  We are watching how fear has jolted a divided, complacent country into eagle-eyed awareness.  It’s only when fear is exaggerated and uncontrolled than it becomes destructive.  Like an unchecked fire, irrational fear can cause panic – and panic ends our ability to function.

2.  Challenge Your Fear.  Zig Ziglar defines fear as “False Evidence Appearing Real.”  Examine the evidence.  If you have a reason to fear then by all means minimize or avoid the danger.  If you can’t avoid it – or as with flying – avoiding it puts you at an even greater disadvantage then you may need to just live with the risk.  Just remember that whining and worrying about what might happen somewhere, someday to someone won’t change a thing.  Nor will fretting over the future prepare you deal with it.  Put your energy to better use…do like Drew…turn off the T.V. and getting to work on that dream you’re building.

3. Fuel Your Faith.  The only known counter action to irrational fear is faith.  Nobody knows for sure how this works, but the mind cannot hold both thoughts of fear and thoughts of faith at the same time.  Fear sends out vibrations that attract more fear.  Faith sends out signals that attract even greater faith.  Again, how this works remains a mystery all I know is that it works.  So embrace thoughts of faith.  Faith in God.  Faith in your country.  Faith in Dri Wash ‘n Guard.  Faith in your friends and family.  And most of all, faith in yourself – that no matter what the future holds you can function and function well – even in the face of fear.
If you would like to join Richard Neihart on a Free live 30 minute conference call.  Plug in This Wednesday Night October 24th at 6 PM Pacific Time.   The number to call is 507-726-3200 ( pass code 88881# )