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From: DWG []
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 12:05 AM
Subject: Treasures of our company
By Drew Earl
One of the first recommendations we have received from Mike and Tippy Lawter, our new SW Divisional Coordinators, was to individualize recognition on our
E-mail system. I would like to follow through with their suggestion beginning today.
I am currently looking out the window of a hotel at a gray, snowy winter sight. It is on this theme, I want to take a minute and acknowledge all of the thousands of distributors who have worked through the toughest winter in DWG sales history.
NY911 was a disaster for all of us. It set in motion a cooling off period for our nation which was already in a recession. The winter always slows down, and this year was particularly cold. In spite of all of this, people like Mike Deneka displayed consistent leadership. People like Helen and Freeman Walters, and Frank Meyers worked when it was gray, snowy, and very cold. Dieter Backhaus was always out there during the rain and snow of winter. I name these particular individuals for several reasons. They have had outstanding sales, and personal volume. They have kept in contact on a regular basis on voice mail, e-mail, and direct phone with their organizations, and the company. They have displayed consistent positive attitudes under tough times and conditions, and they have been there working in spite of any bad times that have come along. Also, they have attended most or all of the regional and companies events often at tremendous financial sacrifice.
I believe there are others who are deserving of recognition, but today I felt impressed to express publicly, my appreciation for the outstanding performance of these winterland distributors. And in case you are wondering, some of the names I am mentioning have PGRV in excess of $50,000.00 for the first year of DWG Internationals sales. We salute such effort.If you have not met these folks, heard one of Freeman's quips, felt one of Dieters hugs (and survived it)! heard some of Franks wisdom on business, or laughed at one of Mikes jokes, then get to know them. They are all treasures of our company, and significant contributors to the northern winter sales of
DWG International.
And did you think I was going to forget Helen? To anyone who knows this special lady, I can best describe her heart by telling you how wonderful it as to see her shed a tear, when she heard a song from Newfoundland that spoke of the fact that man made bullets, and God made butterflies. What a sweetheart!
Thank you all from all of us who know and love you! If you have someone you would like us to recognize, e-mail the names to us, or drop us a line. We will do some research and put out the story for everyone to hear about. We realize that everyone is special in a number of ways, but our interest in this recognition will be to those who have results for effort, reflected in growth in their business and area.